Friday, November 13, 2015

Get it right

This blog solely is for Joomla professionals.  

Being a Joomla professional sometimes we do get into trouble solving a problem while creating a Joomla website.

Many errors suddenly creep up and you may end up searching for solutions in Joomla forum and not find solution immediately.  There could be some simple works, changes in your Joomla website that you need to do.  Like for example changing the copyright field in the footer.   Not everytime you will like to visit the Joomla forum for that.  Not always you will find instant Joomla solutions at Joomla forum.

Here at this blog an effort is made to solve some of your Joomla problems that you encounter while working in Joomla.

The advantage is that you will find the solution here always and instantly just by seeing the title of post. 

It will be fast and quick. 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Product fields in Joomla Virtuemart

Product Page Fields:
For category fields, look here


Product Name
<?php echo $this->product->product_name ?>

Product SKU
<?php echo $this->product->product_sku ?>

Ask a question about this product
<a class="ask-a-question" href="<?php echo $url ?>" ><?php echo JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_ENQUIRY_LBL') ?></a>
Short Description
   <?php echo $this->product->product_s_desc ?>

Product Full Description
      <?php echo $this->product->product_desc ?>

Product MAIN Image (the 0 is the column number for the 1st image)
<?php echo $this->product->images[0]->displayMediaFull('class="product-image"',false) ?>

Additional Images (>1 means all images past the 1st image)
      <?php if(!empty($this->product->images) && count($this->product->images)>1) {
         foreach ($this->product->images as $image) {
            echo $image->displayMediaThumb('class="product-image"',true,'class="modal"'); //'class="modal"'

Product Availability AS TEXT
<?php echo $this->product->product_availability; ?>

Product Availability As Picture
<?php echo JHTML::image(JURI::root().VmConfig::get('assets_general_path').'images/availability/'.$this->product->product_availability, $this-
>product->product_availability, array('class' => 'availability')); ?>

Minimum Order Level
<?php echo $this->product->min_order_level ?>

Maximum Order Level
<?php echo $this->product->max_order_level ?>

Product Unit
<?php echo $this->product->product_unit ?>

Product Weight
<?php echo $this->product->product_weight ?>

Product Weight Unit of Measure
<?php echo $this->product->product_weight_uom ?>

Product Length
<?php echo $this->product->product_length ?>

Product Width
<?php echo $this->product->product_width ?>

Product Height
<?php echo $this->product->product_height ?>

Product URL
<?php echo $this->product->product_url ?>

Product # In Stock
<?php echo $this->product->product_in_stock ?>

Product Availability Date
<?php echo $this->product->product_available_date ?>

Product Special 0 or 1 0 for no, 1 for yes.
<?php echo $this->product->product_special ?>

Product Packaging
<?php echo $this->product->product_packaging ?>

Create a link to the product's main category from the product page.
$catturl = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=category&virtuemart_category_id='.JRequest::getInt('virtuemart_category_id',0));

<a href="<?php echo $catturl ?>"><?php echo $this->category->category_name ?></a>

Manufacturer Name
<?php echo $this->product->mf_name ?>

All Fields Above can be used for extra fields, and features on the product page.

For example. I use product weights of 0 to be items with free shipping. So, to display "FREE Shipping"  to the user, I do this.

<?php if ($this->product->product_weight == 0) { ?>
                  <div>Free Shipping on this Item! Minimum Order Quantity <?php echo $this->product->min_order_level ?></div>
               <?php    }?>

So the code above shows free shipping, and the minimum quantity order amount.

You can do the same with most fields.

To display an icon, or text if a product is featured you can do this.

<?php if ($this->product->product_special == 1) { ?>
                  <div>SALE ITEM!!!!! </div>
               <?php    }?>

Tell the customer the stock is low, and they should order NOW!
<?php if ($this->product->product_in_stock <= 10) { ?>
                  <div>ONLY <?php echo $this->product->product_in_stock ?> In Stock. ORDER BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE</div>
               <?php    }?>

Doing a Joomla Template Override is easy.

Open the view folder you want to change, THEN, the tmpl folder.
COPY the "default.php"
THEN< follow the steps below.
In your JOOMLA template folder. You create a folder called  "html" then a folder called "com_virtuemart" in it.
Then for each view you want to override. Create a folder for it.
Then place your modified "default.php" an that views folder.
So , to override the product details page. You create YOUR_TEMPLATE/html/com_virtuemart/productdetails/default.php

Doing a Joomla Template override guarantees the view will use your modified default.php

FOR changing the css. What you do is copy the virtuemart css located in

THEN, add that to your joomla template css file. (or call it seperately, AFTER you put a copy in your Joomla template foler)
THEN, go to vmart configuration, and turn off virtuemart css

Custom Fields in Joomla Virtuemart

Custom Field Codes for Coders

S = String
I =Integer
P =Parent
B= Bolean (True)
D = Date
T = Time
M =Image
V =Cart Variant
A =Generic Child Variant

For example
<?php if ($field->field_type == S){
My Special String Output
} ?>

Using The Custom Field Type "String" for an extra field.

Warranty Display Example
1st Setup a Custom field type "string" called "warranty" like in the picture below.
Next Go Into a product, and apply the custom field "warranty" to the product.
Fill In the warranty text. 2 years, 3 years etc.

NEXT:: You need to create a position in your product details view for the warranty text.
<div id="warranty-text"><strong>This is the Warranty Div</strong>
<?php if (!empty($this->product->customfieldsSorted['warranty'])) {
   echo $this->loadTemplate('customfields'); } ?></div>

Use the Custom field "IMAGE" to display a NON-cart Variant.

Free Shipping Icon on product page example.

1st Create a Custom field type "image" and name it "shipping icon" like the image below.
Next, upload your free shipping icon in "shop media files"
Go to edit product, and apply the custom field. Choose the image in the dropdown.

Using a String for external images

Create a Custom field  type "string" named "external"
In Edit Product apply the field. Paste the url to the image in the field.
This below is the code for displaying the image.

<div class="product-fields">
       $custom_title = null;
       foreach ($this->product->customfieldsSorted[external] as $field) {
      if ($field->display) {
          <?php if ($field->custom_title != $custom_title) { ?>
            <img src="<?php echo $field->display ?>" alt="<?php echo $this->product->product_name ?>"  />
<?php } ?>
          <?php } ?> <?php } ?>

Using a String to Link to related articles, installation instructions etc.

Create a Custom field  type "string" with the name "Installation Instructions" or whatever you want the anchor text to be.
Assign it to the position "link"
In Edit Product apply the field. Paste the url
This below is the code for displaying the link.

<div class="product-fields">
       $custom_title = null;
       foreach ($this->product->customfieldsSorted[link] as $field) {
      if ($field->display) {
          <?php if ($field->custom_title != $custom_title) { ?>
             <a href="<?php echo $field->display ?>" ><?php echo JText::_($field->custom_title); ?></a>
<?php } ?>
          <?php } ?> <?php } ?>

Error solution...

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() 




In  default.php

This is how the ontop is done

<?php  if (!empty($this->product->customfieldsSorted['ontop'])) {
   $this->position = 'ontop';
   echo $this->loadTemplate('customfields');
    } // Product Custom ontop end

When you choose "cart variant" the default position will be in the add to cart form.

the ONLY other default positions in the product layout is

THIS CODE IS IN views/productdetails/tmpl/default.php

if (!empty($this->product->customfieldsSorted['ontop'])) { ?>
   <div class="product-fields">
   $custom_title = null ;
   foreach ($this->product->customfieldsSorted['ontop'] as $field){
      if ($field->display) {
         ?><div class="product-field product-field-type-<?php echo $field->field_type ?>">
         <?php if ($field->custom_title != $custom_title) { ?>
            <span class="product-fields-title" ><?php echo JText::_($field->custom_title); ?></span>
            <?php if ($field->custom_tip) echo JHTML::tooltip($field->custom_tip,  JText::_($field->custom_title), 'tooltip.png');
         } ?>
         <span class="product-field-display"><?php echo $field->display ?></span>
         <span class="product-field-desc"><?php echo jText::_($field->custom_field_desc) ?></span>
         $custom_title = $field->custom_title;
   } ?>
<?php } // Product Custom ontop end ?>

YOU can actually set your own positions anywhere. By copying this code, and renaming the "position"
YOU JUST change the 'ontop'

<?php if (!empty($this->product->customfieldsSorted['ontop'])) { ?>
   <div class="product-fields">
   $custom_title = null ;
   foreach ($this->product->customfieldsSorted['ontop'] as $field){
      if ($field->display) {
         ?><div class="product-field product-field-type-<?php echo $field->field_type ?>">
         <?php if ($field->custom_title != $custom_title) { ?>
            <span class="product-fields-title" ><?php echo JText::_($field->custom_title); ?></span>
            <?php if ($field->custom_tip) echo JHTML::tooltip($field->custom_tip,  JText::_($field->custom_title), 'tooltip.png');
         } ?>
         <span class="product-field-display"><?php echo $field->display ?></span>
         <span class="product-field-desc"><?php echo jText::_($field->custom_field_desc) ?></span>
         $custom_title = $field->custom_title;
   } ?>
<?php } // Product Custom ontop end ?>

You can do your own location of custom field.

<?php if (!empty($this->product->customfieldsSorted['my-position'])) {
       echo $this->loadTemplate('customfields');

 I try to use the below code after the price is displayed but nothing happens... i don't get the custom fields displayed.

<?php if (!empty($this->product->customfieldsSorted['my-position'])) {
       echo $this->loadTemplate('customfields');

 Change ..    my-position

 ....    to YOUR position

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Image size does not change in article

Q -  I resized the image and uploaded to my Joomla article but still the image is in the original size in the article.

Ans.  Simply rename the image file and and link it to article.   You will find the new image file size reflecting in article.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Wrapping text around image.

Q.  How to wrap text around image?

Ans.  The image has to be left justified and the text has to be justified.

Something a code like below could be added.  

<img src="image.jpg" align="left" />  If text is also aligned left then the text will not wrap around image.  So the text has to be  text-align: justify;

Everything should be input in CSS Style sheets.

So in CSS style sheets.  Add tmpl.default.css or in template.css 

.padl {
    float: left;
    padding: 0 15px;
For text...

    margin: 0;
    padding-bottom: 25px;
    text-align: justify;
    font-size: 20px;

So in the article put like this....

<div class="padl"><img title="" src="images/articles/*.jpg" alt="" /><br /><strong>   ***</strong></div>

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Finding Modules position in live site

  1. In the administrative backend go to Extensions->Template Manager. Click on Options and set Preview Module Positions to enabled.
  2. navigate to the website page you wish to see the module positions for in your web browser.
  3. click into the URL field in your browser. ...
  4. the module positions will be outlined in red.

    Type http://*.com/?tp=1   to see the modules.

Friday, May 15, 2015


One of the most frequent questions/issues we see from Members relates to creating – or even relocating -- new module positions within their template structure. Adding a new module position inside a J1.7.x / J2.5.x template is actually a fairly simple process - with the most challenging step being figuring out where you want to put the new module position.

The following is a GENERAL tutorial for creating a new module position within a J1.7.x/J2.5.x template.

STEP ONE – Where Do You Want Your New Position?
Naturally, the FIRST STEP in the process is to figure out and decide where you want to position your new module. For this, it is helpful to see a map/schematic of how the current modules are layed out/positioned within the template.

Fortunately, JoomlArt provides Module Position Guides for each of our JATC Templates. You can most quickly find each Template’s Module Position Guide by going to the respective template’s information page and clicking on the “Position Guide” button for the particular template version you want to view.

However, there are times when one wants to view a particular template’s module positions, and a convenient template module map is not readily provided. So, this little trick is handy so that you don’t have to play the guessing game. So, for example if you wanted to find out what are the module positions for your template, here is how to do it:

1. Login to your Joomla Administrator backend.
2. Open your Template Manager and, on the right hand side, click “Options‘”
3. Under the Template Tab >> Global configurations for Templates >> set ‘Preview Module Postions’ to “Enabled”
4. SAVE the changes you’ve just made.
5. Within your browser address bar, you can now append your site url with “?tp=” - for example

After you press <enter>, you should see the template module positions. To turn off the template module positions you can follow through the same path and under the Template Manager >> Options >> Template Tab >> Global Configurations for Templates and set ‘Preview Module Postions’ to “Disabled”.

For Joomla 1.5 based templates, you can see template module positions easily by just typing ?tp=1 following the URL path. For example – will enable you to see all the template module positions of your active template.

STEP TWO – Which Layout Block for New Position?
Once you have decided where you want to position your new module, you then need to figure out within which layout block file to add the necessary php code for your new position.

NOTE: Blocks are files to hold module positions, perform specific script calls and prepare the HTML generation of the content. As you know, the most popular elements: header, footer, left, right, spotlights, pathway, etc. these are now separate files, no longer HTML elements defined in the index.php file.

To learn about how layout blocks are structured within our JAT3 Framework, please see our JAT3 WIKI – BLOCKS of the DEFAULT LAYOUT -->

For the purpose of this tutorial, I am going to add a new module position within the HEADER section of our JA TELINE IV (J2.5) Template - between the logo and the right banner . . . though the basic principles and steps can apply to creating a new module position most anywhere within the template blocks structure.

Okay, so since we’ve decided that we want to position our new module within our template’s HEADER section, we need to locate and open the appropriate layout file for this section. For our example, we will need to work with the header.php file, which is located within the following file path:


 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * JA Teline IV Template for Joomla 2.5
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2011 J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
 * @license - Copyrighted Commercial Software
 * Author: J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd
* This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part.
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// no direct access
defined '_JEXEC' ) or die ( 'Restricted access' );
?>            <?php
= & JFactory::getApplication();
$siteName $app->getCfg('sitename');
            if (
$this->getParam('logoType''image')=='image'): ?>            <h1 class="logo">
                        <a href="index.php" title="<?php echo $siteName?>"><span><?php echo $siteName?></span></a>
            <?php else:
$logoText = (trim($this->getParam('logoText'))=='') ? $siteName JText::_(trim($this->getParam('logoText')));
$sloganText JText::_(trim($this->getParam('sloganText'))); ?>            <div class="logo-text">
                        <h1><a href="index.php" title="<?php echo $siteName?>"><span><?php echo $logoText?></span></a></h1>
                        <p class="site-slogan"><span><?php echo $sloganText;?></span></p>
            <?php endif; ?>      
            <div class="ja-header-r">
                        <jdoc:include type="modules" name="header-r" />

As I mentioned above, I want to place my new module position between the logo and the right banner image. As you can see from above, there is already a position called "header-r" within the header.php file structure. So, since I will want my new module position in the middle, I will call the new position "header-m"

The modified header.php file will now look like this . . . 

PHP Code:
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * JA Teline IV Template for Joomla 2.5
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2011 J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
 * @license - Copyrighted Commercial Software
 * Author: J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd
* This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part.
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// no direct access
defined '_JEXEC' ) or die ( 'Restricted access' );
= & JFactory::getApplication();
$siteName $app->getCfg('sitename');
            if (
$this->getParam('logoType''image')=='image'): ?>            <h1 class="logo">
                        <a href="index.php" title="<?php echo $siteName?>"><span><?php echo $siteName?></span></a>
            <?php else:
$logoText = (trim($this->getParam('logoText'))=='') ? $siteName JText::_(trim($this->getParam('logoText')));
$sloganText JText::_(trim($this->getParam('sloganText'))); ?>            <div class="logo-text">
                        <h1><a href="index.php" title="<?php echo $siteName?>"><span><?php echo $logoText?></span></a></h1>
                        <p class="site-slogan"><span><?php echo $sloganText;?></span></p>
            <?php endif; ?>            <div class="ja-header-m">
                        <jdoc:include type="modules" name="header-m" />
            <div class="ja-header-r">
                        <jdoc:include type="modules" name="header-r" />

Basically, all I did was copy-and-paste the code for the "header-r" position, and then modified it as needed - pretty simple, right? This same concept can apply to adding/duplicating other module positions within other parts of your site - but you do need to make sure you are modifying the new position code sufficiently so all relative elements reflect the new position you are creating.

STEP FOUR – Adding New Position to templateDetails.xml
We now need to add our new position to our TemplateDetails.xml file, which can usually be found along the following path:


About halfway down the file (at about line 58), you will see the template position listing:


Add our new position to the list:


STEP FIVE – Creating CSS Styling for our New Position
Okay, we have created our new position and have entered it within our position listing (so that we can select it from the list of positions within our Module Manager). But we still have not established certain display parameters for our new position – i.e. height, width, margins/padding, background color, relative positioning within the header block, etc. For this, we need to create some basic CSS styling properties for our new position.

Now, I am not going to try to teach a lesson on CSS styling – this is something you will need to take some time to research and learn individually. However, there are a great many learning resources available throughout the internet – many of which are 100% FREE. While I will leave it to you to conduct a more thorough search, here are a few initial resources with regard to CSS basics:

These resources should at least get you started.

We will be placing our CSS rule(s) within our template.css file Ã* \templates\ja_teline_iv\css\template.css

It really doesn’t matter where you enter your CSS – many simply add it at the end of the sheet. I tend to like to place any new CSS rules/classes I create within same general line area as other CSS for the particular section of the template – in this case, where the CSS for the "header-r" is (at/around line 748).

Our new position is going to be relatively simple, but we’re going to want to position it between the logo and the right side banner image.

/* Header Middle ---*/
.ja-header-m {
padding: 0;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
position: absolute;
right: 470px;
top: 40px;
width: 265px;
z-index: 999;
Obviously, depending on how you are going to want to style and position your module, your CSS properties and parameters are going to be different. More likely than not, the process of getting it just as you want it will take a bit of time, trial-and-error and patience. In fact, for our example, I had to play around with the "right" positioning value several times until I was able to position the module exactly where I wanted it.

It's all part of the process . . . and the more you experiment with various properties, the more you learn about how CSS affects website element display.

STEP SIX – Assign Module to the New Position
We've created our new position within the appropriate layout block . . . we've added the position to the position list within our templateDetails.xml . . . we've created the CSS to position and style our module . . . we're now ready to assign our module to our new position (and see if our work has paid off).

As stated above, I am going to assign a custom_html module with a JoomlArt banner image to the new position. While creating a new module within the Module Manager is a basic Joomla function, I will quickly outline the steps for you . . .

1. Open your site administration backend >> open your Module Manager
2. Click the "New" icon
3. Select "Custom_HTML" from the list of module type choices
4. Name your new module
5. Click "Select Position" and scroll down until you find the new position (in our case, "header-m")
6. Configure your module parameters as needed

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Facebook and map positioning in a website

Q.   I want to position facebook comment box at the middle of my article.  I also want to put my map in my Contact Page.

Ans.   You have to create a module for  this.

You will usually want to associate modules with articles in some way. The modules are allocated to module positions and the module positions appear somewhere on the Web page as determined by the template. However, it is sometimes useful to have a module actually embedded within the article. Joomla core provides two ways to do that: loadposition and loadmodule. Syntax:
  • {loadposition position[, style]}
  • {loadmodule module[, title[, style]]}


To insert a module inside an article, you publish the module to a position and load that position in the article as follows:
  1. Create a module and set its position to myposition. myposition can be any value that doesn't conflict with an existing template position. Type in the position myposition and press enter instead of selecting it from the drop-down list.
  2. Assign the module to All the Menu Items. This will make sure that it always appears, no matter how the visitor got to the article. The module will not show unless you put the command to load the module in an article.
  3. Edit the articles where you want this module to appear and insert the text {loadposition myposition} in the article at the place where you want the module.


An alternative to "{loadposition xx}" is the "{loadmodule yyy}" variation which is handled by the same plugin.
In this case the plugin looks for the first module who's type matches the string 'yyy'. So, you could load a "mod_login" module by placing {loadmodule login} in your text. If you wish to load a specific instance of a module, because you have more than one login module e.g. titled as login1, login2, etc. you have to use {loadmodule login,login2} for the module titled as login2. You can also add the a style that is used for rendering the module, to do so add the style as third parameter like {loadmodule login,login2,xhtml}. If you don't add a style then "none" is used.

Modules within Modules

It is possible in Joomla! 2.5+ and Joomla! 3.x+ to include a module within a "Custom HTML" module as they are processed by content plugins in the same way as articles.
To make this work, the option Prepare content must be enabled as shown in this screenshot.
Showing the Prepare Content option in a Custom HTML module.
You should remember when doing this that you may experience formatting issues as the "chrome" of the "Custom HTML" module will surround the "chrome" of the included module potential having undesirable effects of the formatting or layout.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Force SSL=0

Q -  I enabled force SSL in global configuration and now I am unable to access the site or administrator.   The url turns to https

Ans.  Solution lies in configuration.php.   

Find :

public $force_ssl = '2';  

change it to....  zero...

public $force_ssl = '0'; 

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Could not connect to the database

Q - Could not connect to the database. Connector returned number: Could not connect to MySQL.

This happens when you install Joomla by uploading the zip file to folders.  Thereafter when you run installation.  Here godaddy.   Joomla 3.4.1

Ans.   You need to

1.  create a database from Mysql,

2.   create a user and password

3.  add user to that database  and

4.  then give permission to it.

This will solve the problem and your joomla installation will be smooth.

Your created database will show up in phpmyadmin.

If it fails then another method is...  go to your installation folder  and ADD these things in

configuration.php-dist  -  file

public $user = '';                       // DB username  -  that u created in step 3
public $password = '';                   // DB password
public $db = '';                         // DB database name -  that in Step 1.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

CSS styles does not show up in live site

Q - Changed the template.css  file css style sheets but the same is not reflecting in the website.

Ans.  Remove cache from the backend going to Global configuration.   Remove cache from the browser.  

The changes will show up in the website.   Sometimes it takes longer even if the cache are removed.

Sometimes to see the change immediately logout or close the Joomla backend.  Open the site you will see the changed CSS style sheet.  If you don't see still clear the browser cache.

After doing all this if you still do not see the changes then wait for some hours to go by.   It could be a server delay.

The TinyMCE editor always looks for editor.css file in default template.css.  If it does not find there it will load editor.css from system template.

ARI image slider - image linking

Q -  How to link images in the slider.

Ans.  You can find information how to use the module in 'Description' field on module settings page. It also contain link to sample of INI file with descriptions and redirect links. For example if you want to load images from <joomla_directory>/images/slides/ folder and this folder contains photo01.jpg and photo02.jpg files and you want to define descriptions and redirect links for these files, set "Image path" parameter to "images/slides", create ariimageslider.ini file with the following content:

photo01.jpg="Photo 01"
photo02.jpg="Photo 02"

and place this file to <joomla_directory>/images/slides/ folder.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Line space in a paragraph

Q.  How to use <br/> code in a para.  When <br/> is used it turns to <p></p>?

Ans.  Go to Plugin of Tiny Mirror and change there to accept <br/> code.

Monday, April 27, 2015

JFolder::files: Path is not a folder

Q -  After installing "mod_ariimageslider  if you find "JFolder::files: Path is not a folder"

Ans.  While giving the path to images of several image files in the box avoid leaving line space gaps between one Image path to the next image path.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Changing Copyright in Joomla

Q  -  How will you change the copyright in the footer. 

Ans.  You need to first go to your Joomla Files and Folders then go to language/en-GB  - en-GB.mod_footer.ini

And feed your own text to show up in the footer.  Your website name etc.